Student Equity Committee Membership
- Dr. Dilcie Perez, Vice President of Student Services (Co-Chair)
Ex-officio member
- Rick Miranda, Vice President of Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)
Ex-officio member
Functional Resource Personnel
- Dr. Lui Amador, Dean of Student Equity & Success
Ex-officio member - Ali Delawalla, Vice President of Business Services/Assistant Superintendent designee
Ex-officio member - Dr. Adriana Flores-Church, Vice President of Human Resources/Assistant Superintendent
or designee
Ex-officio member - Dr. Lauren Elan-Helsper, Director of Diversity, Compliance, and Title IX Coordinator
Ex-officio member - Dr. Patricia Robbins Smith, Interim EOPS Assistant Director
Ex-officio member - Graciela Vasquez, Associate Dean of Adult Education/Diversity Programs
Ex-officio member - Dr. Rosa Prado, Dean of Counseling Services
Ex-officio member - Dr. Amber Hroch, Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning
Ex-officio member - Amber Dofner, Program Facilitator of Student Equity, Cross Culture, and Title IX Resources
Ex-officio member
Constituent Group Membership
- Keli Khattri, Student representative appointed by ASCC
Term Expires: 2021-2022
- Vacant, Student representative appointed by ASCC
Term Expires: n/a
- Vacant, Student representative appointed by ASCC
Term Expires: n/a
- Vacant, Student representative appointed by ASCC
Term Expires: n/a
- Brittany Lundeen, Faculty representative appointed by Faculty Senate
Term Expires: 2019-20
- Monica Lopez, Faculty representative appointed by Faculty Senate
Term Expires: 2021-2022
- Dr. April Bracamontes, Faculty representative appointed by Faculty Senate
Term Expires: 2019-20
- Damon Cagnolatti, Faculty representative appointed by CCFF
Term Expires: 2019-2020
- Michelle Rodriguez, Classified representative appointed by CSEA
Term Expires: 2021-2022
- Raquel Lizarraga, Classified representative appointed by CSEA
Term Expires: 2021-2022
- Terrie Lopez, Management representative appointed by ACCME
Term Expires: 2019-2020
- Dr. Frank Mixson, Management representative appointed by ACCME
Term Expires: 2019-2020
- Norma Rodriguez, Management representative appointed by ACCME
Term Expires: 2021-2022
Faculty Resources Leadership – Academic Affairs
- Dr. Natalie Sartin, Faculty representative from English Department
Term Expires: 2019-2020
- Dara Worrel, Faculty representative from Math Department
Term Expires: 2019-20
- Niki Lovejoy Robold, Developmental Education Coordinator
Term Expires: 2019-20
Faculty Resources Leadership – Student Services
- Dr. Chelena Fisher, Faculty representative from General Counseling
Term Expires: 2019-20
- Dr. Shelia Hill, Faculty representative from Instructional Counseling
Term Expires: 2019-20
- Dr. Steven La Vigne, Faculty specialist/counseling representative from DSPS
Term Expires: 2019-20
Quorum is one-third plus one of the committee membership.
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