Frequently Asked Questions
Does Cerritos College offer a Teacher Training Program?
We do not offer a Teacher Training Program; we recommend you search thru the Board
of Barbering and Cosmetology website for possible training sites.
I want to teach at Cerritos, what steps do I take?
We thank you for looking to become an educator at Cerritos College. We invite you
to go to the Cerritos College Human Resources website and look to see if there are
any postings. If there is a recruitment for a position(s) please follow the process
listed on the recruitment brochure. If there are currently no available posting we
ask that you check back periodically for possible openings in the future.
For security purposes all documentation including but not limiting resumes and portfolios must be submitted directly to the Human Resources office. The Cosmetology Department will not accept these or any other documents from any prospective applicant.
Can the Cosmetology Department register me in cosmetology or esthetician classes?
The registration process at Cerritos College is a completely automated computerized
system. Please note that the Cosmetology Department has no access or control over
the registration process. Students need to go to their mycerritos account and use
your student number and PIN number (date of birth).
Can I register in future cosmetology or esthetician classes?
Students may only register for the upcoming semester during the specified registration
dates as stated in the Schedule of Classes. The computerized registration system will
not allow students to register for semesters in the future. There is no sign-up or
priority waiting lists for future semesters.
How soon do I have to pay for my classes?
If you are successful in enrolling in a class, be sure to pay ALL your fees within
5 days or you will be dropped for non payment. If you enrolled the Friday or weekend
before school starts, your fees are due the same day/time you registered or you will
be dropped for non payment.
What do I do if the class I want to enroll in is full?
If the class you wanted to enroll in is full, add yourself to the waiting list. You
must pay ALL your fees within 5 days to remain on the waiting list. If you enrolled
the Friday or weekend before school starts, your fees are due the same day/time you
registered or you will be dropped for non payment.
What do I do if the class and the wait list I want to enroll in is full?
Dont give up! Keep checking daily on Schedule+ as students on the roster and waiting list drop for various reasons and it is your
responsibility to check for availability.
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