Roles & Responsibilities
In accordance with the California Education Code and Title 5 Regulations, the Faculty Senate is a faculty-governed body that plays an essential role in the governance of the college. It ensures that faculty have a significant voice in academic decision-making processes and provides them with a platform to voice their opinions on issues affecting the institution. As the representative voice of the faculty, the Faculty Senate is committed to promoting academic excellence, advocating for faculty interests, and ensuring collaborative governance.
Outlined below are the roles and responsibilities of the Faculty Senate:
Academic Leadership
- Primary voice on academic and professional matters (curriculum, grading, program development, etc.).
- Lead on issues affecting faculty and ensure academic decisions align with student and faculty needs.
- Cultivate an academic environment that emphasizes academic integrity and academic excellence.
- Work with the Faculty Union on workplace issues impacting academic and professional matters.
Policy Development
- Establish degree requirements, grading policies, learning outcome guidelines, etc.
- Implement strategies to improve student learning and academic achievement.
- Formulate policies that foster a supportive academic environment for faculty.
- Develop new academic initiatives and practices in teaching and learning.
Forum for Discussion
- Serve as a public forum for faculty concerns and ideas on academic policies.
- Provide a platform for sharing innovative teaching, research, and educational trends.
- Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty.
- Promote open dialogue on the challenges and opportunities facing the institution.
Advocate Faculty Interests
- Safeguard faculty as the recognized content experts in their academic disciplines and in curricular matters.
- Support initiatives aimed at enhancing faculty professional development and academic achievement.
- Defend faculty rights and uphold policies related to academic freedom and intellectual property.
- Ensure faculty perspectives are incorporated into institutional planning.
Consult with Administration
- Work with administration to address and resolve faculty concerns.
- Collaborate with administrators to offer feedback on proposed changes.
- Facilitate ongoing communication to promote a collaborative and respectful relationship.
Shared Governance
- Ensure faculty have a voice in institutional decision-making processes and strategic planning.
- Foster a collaborative culture with college stakeholders and the governing board.
- Make faculty appointments to college and selection committees.
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