Important Senate Documents and Links
Senate Constitution & Bylaws
- Constitution of the Faculty Senate of Cerritos College - Outlines the general purpose and organization of the Faculty Senate.
Other Documents & Links
- Past Senate Presidents 1966-2007
- Student Success Task Force Draft Recommendations
- 16 Week Schedule Forum PowerPoint Presentation
- Arming Campus Police Survey Results
- Arming Campus Police Survey Comments
- Board Policy Excerpts - Contains key excerpts from Cerritos College Board policy.
- Budget Documents - Links to documents related to the college's budget
- Chancellor's Office Data Mart Link - Contains links to various data from the Chancellor's Office
- Compact of Mutual Understanding and Support - Contains agreement between the Faculty Senate and the Cerritos College Faculty Federation, AFT-6215 (Faculty Union)
- Curriculum Committee Web Site - Link to Curriculum Committee Web Site
- Defining an Academic Department - Recommended definitions of the AdHoc committee to define an academic department and program. Approved by Faculty Senate Fall 2023
- Department Chair Policies and Procedures - Policies and Procedures Approved by Faculty Senate and Deans May 2000
- Faculty Handbook - Contains 2005-2006 Faculty Handbook
- FERPA Best Practices - Contains document stating the FERPA protections and rights for students
- Fill Ratio Reports
- FTES Study - FTE information based on information in Schedule+
- FTES 2002-2007 - Full Time Equivalent Students 2002-2007
- 2016 Institutional Effectiveness Data
- Outstanding Faculty Award - Past Recipients - Contains document of the past recipients of the outstanding faculty awards and the most outstanding faculty awards
- Outstanding Faculty Awards Procedure 04-10-07 - Contains document approved by the Professional Relations Committee and the Faculty Senate
- Planning and Resource Allocation Guide - Contains document that links Program Review to Planning and Budget
- Prerequisite Study - English 52
- Prerequisite Study - Math 80
- Prerequisite Study - Reading 54
- Selection Procedures - You will find the final version of the Full-time Faculty Selection Procedures.
- State Academic Senate - Link to State Academic Senate Web site
- Title 5 Excerpts - Contains key excerpts from Title 5, outlining Senate definitions, responsibilities, powers and roles.
- Student Learning Outcomes - Presentation
- Standards for Distance Education
- Student Success Plan
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