
In Support of Adopting ASCCC Resolution 17.04 – November 28, 2023

In Support of Canvas for Accreditation - February 14, 2023

In Support of Canvas for Accreditation - Simple Syllabus Task Force Template - February 14, 2023

In Support of Full-Time Classified Staff and Managers Continuing to Teach Part-Time At Cerritos College -February 7, 2023

In Support of Faculty Primacy in Teaching Modality - February 8, 2022

In Support of Math 60 and the Need for Administration to Respect the Role of Faculty in Decision Making - January 25, 2022

In Support of a Collaborative Yet Independent Relationship Between the Leadership of Senate and Union - May 12, 2020

In Support of Online Instruction Faculty Certifications From All Accredited Colleges and Universities - May 5, 2020

In Support of Faculty Senate's Right to be Consulted Prior to Any Alteration of the Faculty Evaluation Process - December 10, 2019

In Support of Adequate Safety and Security Measures - September 3, 2019

In Support of Program Review Recommendations - February 26, 2019

In Support of Minimum Qualifications & Local Standards - May 8, 2018

In Support of Evaluation & Tenure Granting Process - May 8, 2018

In Support of CCFF Negotiation Efforts

In Support of Community College Completion Corps

In Support of a Comprehensive Article on Academic Freedom

In Support of a Faculty Driven & Autonomous Sabbatical Process

In Support to Improve Student Success & Retention by Virtue of Securing Adequate Funding for Pay Equity & Paid Office Hours for Temporary Faculty, & New Full-time Faculty Hires

In Support of Hiring Full-time Tenure Track Faculty

In Support of the Continued Employment of Dr. Lacy Until June 30, 2015