HO 100 - Health of Underserved Communities

"Recognize that you have the courage within you to fulfill the purpose of your birth. Summon forth the power of your inner courage and live the life of your dreams."
- Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Course Description: By providing an overview of the dynamics and processes underlying the health profiles of Latinos/as and others who are Under-represented in Medicine in Los Angeles County, the goal of this class is to transform a student’s individual interest in health into a health professional career goal.

General Statement of Purpose: This course is designed to help students transform personal experiences with health into an educational goal of attaining a career in the health professions (medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, public health, optometry, or other allied health professions).

Learning Objectives: This course has three learning objectives:

  • To introduce students to the history of communities that are under-represented in medicine
  • To present to students the current health and social conditions facing these communities, with special emphasis on LA County
  • To show students the path from the first year of post-secondary education to a health professional career


  • HO 100 Class Reader & Handouts and readings to be provided by instructor
  • Bodenheimer, Thomas S. and Kevin Grumbach. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 4th edition
  • Alvord and Van Pelt, “The Scalpel and the Silver Bear”

Recommended Texts

  • Hayes-Bautista and Chiprut. Healing Latinos: Realidad y Fantasia (To be placed on reserve in the library)
  • Hayes-Bautista, David E. La Nueva California: Latinos in the Golden State. University of California Press, 2004  

HO 100 Syllabus

Important Links:

To access the HO 100 Discussion site, log in toTalon Net