Course Description: This course is designed to enable the Pharmacy Technician student to recognize
the classifications and uses of the various over-the-counter (OTC) products utilized
in modern health care. Lectures and discussions include a brief review of anatomy
and physiology, how drugs exert their effects, major indications for use, adverse
effects, consumer precautions and contraindications.
Objectives: Students will understand and recognize:
- The FDA's drug review process leading to OTC drug classification.
- Drug dosage forms, drug classifications and factors that influence the determination of drug dose and route of administration.
- Strategies of problem solving, product selection and patient consultation.
- Differences and similarities between the OTC products discussed in class.
- Problems associated with governing advertisements of OTC products on radio, television and in print.
Required Texts:
PDR Guide to Over-the-Counter Drugs by Physicians' Desk Reference, David W. Sifton, Editor
PHAR 81 packetavailable from bookstore and material as provided by instructor
Classification List (Updated!)
Pharmacy Visit #2: Antidiarrheals/Laxatives
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