FAQs for students with disabilities regarding current COVID-19 pandemic
How will I do my classes online/remotely?
Wait until you hear from your professors for specific instructions. Each class may be handled a little bit differently. However, all faculty are being reminded that their course materials must be accessible to students with disabilities and they are being provided with resources to ensure that their materials meet accessibility guidelines.
Will I still receive my accommodations?
Yes, you are still entitled to reasonable accommodations. However, please keep in mind that they may need to be provided in a different way. Keep reading for further information.
How will I get the notes?
Notetaker forms are now available in an electronic format. Please make an appointment with your specialist if you need to request notetakers.
What about my in-class aide?
If you have not yet done so, please contact your specialist immediately to strategize your accommodations.
How will I get testing accommodations?
Professors are being informed how to provide additional testing time in an online format. If you receive accommodations other than extra time, please contact your specialist to strategize the best way to accommodate your needs.
How will I request and receive materials in alternate formats, such as e-text, audio files, and PDFs?
Please be advised that students who cannot access materials at all without alternate formats will be given priority consideration as we attempt to meet the needs of all students with disabilities. Please contact April Shin at ayshin@cerritos.edu to request your materials in alternate format. You will need to send her proof of purchase or rental of the textbook(s) in order for them to be converted. Please be aware that often we will be outsourcing to the Chancellor offices ATPC to produce accessible formats.
Can I still come to the High Tech Center for training?
The High Tech Center is available for limited services online and in person. Please see the High Tech Center webpage for more info.
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