Faculty Syllabus Statement
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) recommends that each course syllabus contain a statement reflecting compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Ideally, faculty should provide a detailed syllabus that includes course objectives, weekly topics, classroom activities, required reading and writing assignments, and dates of tests, quizzes, and vacations; this provides valuable information to all students and allows students with disabilities to identify the accommodations they will need to request for that class as well as arrange for materials in an alternate format, if necessary. Whenever possible, provide syllabi and other course materials in an electronic format to provide direct access.
As a recommended best practice designed to promote an inclusive classroom environment, faculty should include a syllabus statement directing students to SAS for disability-related academic accommodations. Consider including the following statement on your course syllabus:
If you are already registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) please request your Letter of Accommodation in the Student Portal. If you are seeking registration, please apply for services via the SAS online application. For more information, please visit the SAS website, visit them in the LA/SAS Building or contact them by phone at (562) 860-2451 ext. 2335.
Faculty members are also encouraged to make textbook selections as far in advance as possible and to avoid changing the selections unless there are compelling reasons.
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