Sabbatical Leave Committee Home
Quorum: 50%
Meetings: Tuesdays 11 - 12:30 pm
- Fall meetings to be determined by the number of sabbatical leave applications
- Spring meetings to be determined by the number of sabbatical leave reports
Sabbatical leave of absence is a privilege accorded to full-time faculty unit members for intellectual refreshment, normally to be obtained by study, research, travel, work experience or other creative activity. The ultimate objectives of sabbatical leaves are the enhancement of service to the District and to increase its distinction. The sabbatical leave of absence is not an earned right, but it is a privilege which may be granted by the Board of Trustees. Applications shall be accompanied by a statement of a program which the applicant proposes to follows while on leave, and on return to regular duty, the unit member shall submit a typed report on the leave as a record of professional growth and for retention in the District files and give a presentation to the Board.
Sabbatical leave policy: Faculty contract section 27.1
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