Employer Advisory Committee
To provide a forum for employers and Cerritos College Career Student Employment staff to engage in relevant discussions regarding a wide variety of career and employment issues. Information gathered from these discussions will contribute to the quality and impact of services and programs for Cerritos College students.
The Advisory Board of Directors will include representatives from a wide variety of industries which employ college graduates in the greater Los Angeles area and portions of Orange County. This board will meet at least twice each year on the Cerritos College campus. Faculty members and other college staff (from related areas) may interact with Board members while they are on campus. Board meeting topics may include current hiring and business trends, skills needed by new college graduates, internship programs, marketing to today's young adults, etc.
Benefits to Employer Members
- Enhance profile and image of your organization with Cerritos College students, faculty and administration
- Develop contacts for accessing key talent for internships and employment opportunities
- Interact with Cerritos College students and faculty in classes and student organization meetings regarding corporate hiring and employment and business trends
- Build knowledge of current regional economic and business trend
- Increase interaction with other regional employers, Cerritos College faculty, the Student Employment team and other appropriate staff.
Expectations of Board Members
- Post any available jobs and internships that your organization has in our JobSpeaker job posting system
- Participate in at least one event per year (e.g. Internship/Job Fair or On-Campus Recruiting)
- Be open to conducting presentations to promote your organization and share work world information with students
- Attend each Employer Advisory Board meeting or send a replacement (held twice per year)
- Report any hires from Cerritos College so that we may celebrate our students' achievements
- Provide industry information to share with faculty
- Be open to hosting a site visit with your organization, which may include students and faculty (if possible)
What You Can Expect From Us
- First selection dates each semester for information tables in high-traffic area of our Library Sidewalk (reservations required)
- Potential meetings with faculty members
- Coordination of clubs/organizations presentation opportunities
- Priority choice of table location at all Job Fairs
- Priority choice of date and time for virtual Job Fairs
- Promotions of your employment opportunities on our social media platforms throughout the year
Student Employment Advisory Board Member Organizations

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