Welcome to Employer Services
Job Posting at Cerritos College
We appreciate your interest in hiring Cerritos College students and alumni. There are several ways we can assist you in promoting job opportunities:
- Post employment opportunities to JobSpeaker, our online job search platform. Employers can set up a complimentary account and submit employment opportunities, as well as directly connect with students, anytime. Create your Cerritos College account today to set up your account today.
- You may also complete our Job Order form. Upon completion of the form, please email it to student-employment@cerritos.edu. A member of our staff will enter the information for you.
- Submit job announcement/flyer to student-employment@cerritos.edu and we will be happy to share it with our students and staff.
Your job listings will be available to Cerritos College students and alumni for 30 days. If your listing is still available 30 days after your submission, please call the Career Services staff to extend the posting for an additional month.
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