Thad Szabo - Physics - Astronomy

Thad Szabo with Celestron 14

Thad Szabo, Ph.D.
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Office: on-line via Zoom

I am on sabbatical for the 2023-2024 academic year. I am still checking email regularly, if you need to contact me.


My phone is unavailable, as I am still conducting classes remotely/on-line.

I use Canvas for announcements as well as for posting solutions and grades for my classes.

Schedule of classes:

None for 2023-2024 -- classes I typically teach include

I have also conducted research with students as made possible by the HSI/STEM grant. If you are interested in pursuing studies in astronomy, physics, or astrophysics, I recommend you look at opportunities through CAMPARE and Cal-Bridge.

If you would like me to recommend you for a scholarship or your transfer school, please review and follow these guidelines.

Join the Astronomy Club here at Cerritos and stay up to date on our activities.

All students in my courses are bound to the Cerritos College Academic Honesty policy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Global Warming - pulled from

Last update: 2023 Aug 22 0614 UT