Welcome from the Dean, Gary Pritchard
Welcome to Arts, Humanities, and Communication at Cerritos College!
Enrolling in one of our programs marks the beginning of a life-long journey to understand the world through creative thought and expression.
Our faculty will immerse you in classical and modern art forms, expressive performance traditions, critical theory and practice, and the complexities of digital and print media design.
This is a special time for you to become conversant in the works of inspiring writers and artists.
During your time with us, you will have many opportunities to ignite your imagination. Whether it's in performing music, acting in a play, producing insightful news stories, creating original works of art, writing critical essays, or directing your own film, our degrees and certificates remain at the forefront of high-quality preparation for the competitive creative economies of Los Angeles and beyond.
Completing an education in the arts and communication disciplines strengthens your judgment and elevates your knowledge of humanity, preparing you for the tests and opportunities that life inevitably brings.
Be prepared for the future with a Cerritos College education.
Check out the links to the left for more information about our programs. My door is always open and our staff is here to support you.
Please feel free to make an appointment to chat. Have a great year!
Gary Pritchard, Instructional Dean
Office: FA - 130 - Phone: 562-860-2451, ext. 2602
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