Active Shooter Drill


Active Shooter Drill

Important Information About the Upcoming Emergency Preparedness Exercise on February 26, 2025

Note: This is a drill. There is no active emergency on campus during this event.

How to Stay Informed

We will provide real-time updates throughout the day:

  • Real-Time Notifications: Text “Cerritos” to 226787 to opt-in for RAVE Alert and receive emergency notifications directly to your phone.
  • Follow Us on Social Media: For real-time updates, follow Cerritos College on Instagram, Facebook, and X.
  • Cerritos College Website: Visit this page regularly for the latest news and updates.

What is the Drill?

Active Shooter Drill

On February 26, 2025, Cerritos College will conduct an active shooter preparedness drill in collaboration with local law enforcement, fire departments, and emergency medical services. This simulation is designed to improve the college’s emergency preparedness and response systems, ensuring the safety of all students, faculty, staff, and community members.

Please note: This is a simulation, not a real emergency. The exercise will help our community practice responding to a potential emergency, ensuring readiness in the event of a real threat.

Key Information


The drill will take place on February 26, 2025. From 6 a.m. to 12 p.m., you will notice emergency vehicles, sirens, and law enforcement activity across campus. This will include mock evacuations, staged rescue operations, and other emergency response activities. Lockdown procedures will take place mid-morning.


The drill will be conducted in the Health Science Building (currently under construction) and the entire campus will be under lockdown to simulate real-world safety protocols. Certain areas of the campus may be temporarily closed or restricted. Please follow all posted signs and instructions.


Time Activity Who
6 am Arrive at Cerritos College LASD/LAFD
7 am Walk Through / Staff Briefing CCPD/LASD
7:30 am Safety Check / Role Player Makeup CCPD
8:30 am Briefing for Law Enforcement / Fire Personnel CCPD/LASD/LAFD
9:36 am Scenario 1 (law enforcement personnel only) CCPD/LASD
9:37 am Campus Lockdown (Lockdown procedures start) CAMPUS
10 am Campus Lockdown over (Lockdown procedures end) CAMPUS
10:30 am Scenario 2 (law enforcement personnel only) CCPD/LASD/LAFD
10:30 am EC – EOC Activated - Roundtable Exercise (RAVE Alert sent to EC only) EC
12:00 pm Debrief CCPD/LASD

CCPD – Cerritos College Police Department
LASD – Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department
LAFD – Los Angeles County Fire Department
CAMPUS – All faculty, staff, managers, students, and anyone else on campus
EC – Executive Council

Participating Agencies

Local law enforcement, fire departments, emergency medical teams, and other agencies will be participating in the drill. Their involvement is crucial to ensuring the preparedness and safety of our entire community.

What to Expect

During the drill, you may notice:

Media filming active shooter drill in process

  • Sirens and Emergency Vehicles: Expect to hear sirens and see law enforcement vehicles and emergency response teams throughout campus.
  • Law Enforcement & Emergency Response Activity: There will be mock evacuations, staged rescue operations, and other emergency response drills.
  • Media Presence: Local media outlets may document the drill for educational purposes. They will help inform the public about the importance of safety preparedness.

Please stay calm and do not be alarmed. All activities are part of the simulation, and trained personnel will manage the scenario.

Lockdown Procedures for Active Shooter Drill

In the event of an active shooter scenario, it is essential to follow these lockdown procedures for your safety:

Run, Hide, Fight

If You Are Inside a Building:

  • Lock and barricade doors with any available materials (desks, chairs, etc.)
  • Turn off lights and stay out of sight from windows or doors
  • Silence your phone and other devices and remain as quiet as possible
  • Wait for official notification (RAVE Alert, campus PA system, law enforcement) that it is safe to leave the building

If You Are Outside or In a Hallway:

  • Quickly move into the nearest building and lock yourself in a safe room
  • Stay calm and follow directions from campus faculty and staff or law enforcement

When Law Enforcement Arrives:

  • Follow instructions precisely for your safety
  • If approached by law enforcement, keep your hands visible and remain calm

Please note: This is part of the drill, and no real threat exists. The purpose is to practice these procedures in case of an actual emergency.

Why the Drill is Important

  • Enhancing Safety: This drill is a vital part of improving campus safety protocols and ensuring that students, staff, and law enforcement are well-prepared for emergencies.
  • Training for Critical Incidents: Drills like this strengthen our ability to respond to critical situations, minimizing potential harm in the event of a real threat.
  • Collaboration with Local Agencies: Cerritos College partners with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and first responders to ensure a coordinated and swift response in an actual emergency.
  • Your Safety is Our Priority: We take these preparations seriously. Exercises like this help ensure that both our Cerritos College Police Department and local emergency responders are ready to act in any situation.

Contact Information

For more information or questions, contact the Cerritos College Police Department at or (562) 924-3618, Ext. 2325.

For media inquiries, contact Media Relations Coordinator Aya Aoki at or (562) 860-2451, Ext. 2287.