Procurement and Contract Services
Welcome to Procurement and Contract Services
This website will provide the college staff, faculty, vendors and contractors the resources to understand and apply the policies and procedures related to obtaining good and services.
Suppliers and Contractors should become acquainted with the Doing Business with Cerritos College Purchasing brochure.
Construction and Maintenance Contractors interested in upcoming bids and bid results will find the information under the Suppliers & Contractors section of the left-hand navigation to be of assistance.
Mission Statement:
The mission of Procurement and Contract Services is the judicious procurement of goods and services for students, faculty, and staff to have the necessary tools and resources they need to be successful and advance the mission of the college.
Public trust is maintained by conducting business with integrity, ethics, and transparency in accordance with California procurement law and best practices.
Procurement and Contract Services also serves as a "hub" for the college's communication/mailroom needs.
The Cerritos College Procurement and Contract Services Department has adopted the Values and Guiding Principles of Public Procurement which was developed collaboratively with stakeholder organizations lead by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP). The Values and Guiding Principles provide the foundation for the standards of practice for public procurement. For more information on the Principles and Practices of Public Procurement, please visit the NIGP web page dedicated to this subject.
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