Supplier Registration
Thank you for your interest in doing business with Cerritos Community College District. To begin the process, please visit the District's Online Portal where you can register your company.
The Cerritos College Purchasing Department philosophy is to maintain professional relationships with suppliers and contractors and to be receptive to new ideas, sources, and concepts. Purchasing staff conduct business related to the procurement of products and services on behalf of the District in accordance with all applicable California procurement statutes, laws, and regulations. Procurements will be made on the basis of quality, price (or best value, as appropriate), and delivery terms offered for required materials or services.
Supplier Visits
All suppliers are welcome to promote their products and services. However, suppliers must make appointments with Purchasing before coming to the office. Purchasing Department personnel are not required to indiscriminately place their time at the disposal of a salesperson. Therefore, "courtesy visits" are discouraged as they can disrupt the daily workflow of the department's operations. To make an appointment, please contact the appropriate Buyer Point-of-Contact for your commodity. Please visit the Staff Directory to locate the Buyer-Point-of-Contact for your respective area.
Supplier Registration
A supplier desiring to do business with the District should register through the District's Online Portal through PlanetBids. Once your company is successfully registered, you will receive notifications when bidding opportunities arise. Contractors/Suppliers are solely responsible for maintaining up-to-date and accurate information. Contractors/Suppliers may update their profile at any time.
We have made every effort to make all aspects of the contracting process as easy, secure, and reliable as possible. However, if you need help or have questions concerning the features available to our bidders on this section, please use the Help feature in the Online Portal for immediate online assistance. Contractors/Suppliers are solely responsible for contacting PlanetBids directly for technical assistance.
NOTE: Registering as a supplier does not constitute a contract with the District; registration only signifies your interest in doing business with the District.
Best Practices
Purchasing Department personnel maintain the highest standards of ethics and transparency and will not solicit funds or materials from suppliers for any purpose. When possible, Purchasing personnel may visit suppliers at their place of business to familiarize themselves with the supplier's methods of operation, materials carried in stock, and increase their knowledge of materials and services available to the District.
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