Special Types Of Purchase Orders

1. Open Purchase Orders

With the approval of the Director of Purchasing, Division or Department Managers may request that open purchase orders be established with suppliers for the repetitive purchase of small dollar value supplies or services throughout the school year. Equipment items may not be ordered.

The requisitioning Division or Department must establish budgetary controls which will ensure that the total value of orders placed during the school year will not exceed the maximum value stated on the open purchase order.

2. Annual Maintenance Agreements

With the approval of the Director of Purchasing, Division or Department Managers may request that Annual Maintenance Agreements be established to provide regular maintenance service for District equipment. Due to the costs involved, Annual Maintenance Agreements should not be established for equipment which requires infrequent maintenance or repair.

3. Confirming Purchase Orders

In the interest of providing responsive service for urgent requirements, the Purchasing Department will respond to requests from management level employees for the verbal issue of a Purchase Order Number prior to receipt of Departmental Requisitions. The issuing of a confirmed Purchase Order Number will be made subject to approval by the Director of Purchasing and confirmation as to the availability of funds by the Accounting Department. The Manager requesting the issue of a Confirming Purchase Order must give the Purchasing Department a Departmental Requisition. The requisition must be delivered to the Business Service Office not later than one work day following the issue of the Confirming Purchase Order.

4. Change Notice (Original Purchase Order)

Change notice purchase orders represent a change in one of the following: account, address, cost or line item from the original purchase order.

5. Cancellation Notice (Original Purchase Order)

Cancellation notice purchase orders represent cancellation of one line item or the entire original purchase order.

6. Reimbursement

Faculty and staff employees may be reimbursed for supply items that are considered emergencies related to instructional or office use. Claims for reimbursements must be approved by Division Deans or Manager. A requisition and claim statement along with the receipt(s) of purchase must be attached to the claim statement in order to be reimbursed.

7. Repair Of Equipment

The Purchasing Department annually contracts for the maintenance of all District typewriters. In the event that a typewriter requires repair, call the Purchasing Department and request that a service call be scheduled.  Any other repairs please contact your Buyer Point-of-Contact to make proper arrangements.