Enrolling in Classes
Are you Enrollment Ready?
- I applied to Cerritos College & Received my Student ID Number (No? Visit the "Application" page)
- I know which 8 courses are required for the RMC program and I have identified which ones I still need to take. (No? Visit the "Choosing Classes" page)
- If I have taken time off between classes (skipped a semester), I have re-activated my student ID number by completing an application again online. (No? Visit the "Re-Activate Your Student ID" page)
- I logged into my MyCerritos account and checked to be sure I do not have any holds on my account such as an outstanding balance due for current semester fees. (No? Visit the "MyCerritos Account Instructions" page) If there was a hold, I have cleared it.
If you need assistance clearing a hold go to How to Clear Holds. If you still have questions, please reach out to Venea Meyer at vmeyer@cerritos.edu for additional assistance.
If items 1-4 above are not complete, you will not be able to enroll in classes. Please be sure to complete these important steps before attempting to enroll in courses.
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