Extensive Laboratory Forms and Procedures
Calendar of Deadlines:
For many faculty, the Extensive Laboratory Classification application will be a project that is worked on during a semester. In order to aid in the preparation process, a calendar has been created which will list the fall, spring, and summer semester dates; semester holidays; curriculum deadlines; and ELC application deadlines. It is important to note that unless you are making changes to a course that will affect your course outline or instilling major changes to the curriculum of the course, the laboratory will not have to go to the Chancellor's Office for re-approval. If, however, either of those stipulations apply to your altered lab course, the curriculum deadline dates should become part of your preparatory timeline.
The deadline for applications is 6 pm on September 1 per Article 9 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement; which means you must have at least the application submitted to Academic Affairs by this date and time. If your packet of materials is not ready for submission by September 1, then you may delay submitting it until September 15. Packets will not be accepted past 12 pm, September 15 .
Application Information:
For a written explanation of the application process as well as a checklist to aid in the gathering of materials, see How to Apply for Extensive Laboratory Classification. To download the application itself, see Application Form (Please download the application form prior to filling it out. The online version will not allow saved changes.)
Other helpful documents to download are as follows:
- Faculty Checklist
- How to Properly Label Files for Submission
- Table of Contents (again, please download the file prior to filling it out. The online version will not allow saved changes)
Extensive Lab Status renewal:
Extensive Lab status shall be reviewed by the ELC as part of the six-year Instructional Program Review cycle to determine whether the laboratory class continues to meet the established criteria for Extensive Lab status. For courses that have undergone significant changes, you will be asked to identify the criteria that have changed and resubmit all required documentation for approval. To download the Renewal Request Form, see Request to Continue Extensive Lab Status Form. Renewal forms are due no later than 5 pm, October 14.
Committee Members:
Per the CCFF Contract, the Extensive Lab Committee consists of faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate to represent each of the instructional divisions. It also consists of managers appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. These committee members should be used as resources for faculty who may have questions regarding the application, submission process, workload calculations, etc.
Matt Covill, Instructor, Science, Engineering, & Mathematics
Rebecca Orozco, Instructor, Health Occupations
Rigo Castro, Counselor, Counseling & Career Services
Brandt Reiter, Instructor, Fine Arts & Communications
Ralph Casas, Instructor, Health Occupations
Jaclyn Ronquillo-Adachi, Instructor, Humanities & Social Sciences
Debbie Jensen, Instructor/Coach, Kinesiology
Natalie Sartin, Instructor, Liberal Arts
Monica Lopez, Instructor, Library
Mark Tait, Instructor, Technology
Colleen McKinley, Acting Dean, Academic Affairs & Strategic Initiatives
Elizabeth Riley, Dean, Health Occupations
Michael Page, Dean, Science, Engineering, & Mathematics
Nick Real, Dean, Technology
To view the labs previously approved for ELC status, click on the years below:
Visit the Human Resources/CCFF web page to see bargaining agreement updates.
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