Requesting Grants

Development Process for Grant-Funded Projects

Step 1: Gather Grant and Project Information

  • Consider who will be involved with the project
  • Identify the project’s goals and objectives
  • Determine an estimated cost for the project

Note: If you need assistance with locating funding sources for your potential project, please reach out to Dr. Amber Hroch in the Grants office. 

Step 2: Submit the Information to the Grants Office

To gain approval to develop an application or partner on a grant application, please complete the Grant Proposal Intent Form. Include the request for application/proposal (RFA/RFP), if possible. Your Grant Proposal Intent Form will then be reviewed by the Executive Team (EC) for approval.

Step 3: Process for EC Approval

Once you have submitted the Grant Proposal Intent Form and relevant information, the Dean of IERPG will share the requests with EC for approval/denial. 

Step 4: Begin Preparing Your Application

After you have been notified that your Grant Proposal has been approved, you may work closely with the Grants Office to ensure your grant application is as complete and competitive as possible. 

All applications are to be submitted to the funder by the Grants Office staff.