Requestor Information
First and Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number/Extension *
Division/Department/Program *
Role at Cerritos College: *
Please Select One
Classified Staff
Not a Cerritos College employee or student
Have you obtained approval for this request from your Dean or Manager? * Yes No N/A (I am a dean or manager)
Description of Timeline
Select the reason that best describes the purpose of this request. Select all that
apply * Annual Planning Grant application/evaluation Internal Discussion Marketing or outreach Presentation Program Review Program Accreditation State, Federal, or license reporting Other (fill in box) Other reason for request
Does this request have a specific deadline (e.g., grant submission, presentation,
etc.)? * Yes No If your project does NOT have a due date, your assigned analyst will work with you
to determine the completion date based on the complexity of your request.
Data Request Details
Has IERPG provided similar data/reports to you in the past?* Yes No Not Sure If yes, when was it last requested and which Research Analyst provided the information?
Please included the project number if it was provided.
Date: Research Analyst: Project Number:
Describe your research request in detail. Please include specific research question(s) that you wish to answer (e.g., How many
students successfully completed xxxx course in xxxx term?). If you are seeking information
about students, we need to know which students (e.g., First-Time at Cerritos College
Student, students in a particular student group, etc.). Indicate the time range of
the data requested (e.g., Last 4 primary terms, Fall 2021, etc.). Indicate the demographic
variables you wish included and any aggregations/disaggregation needed (e.g., the
number of math degrees awarded at Cerritos College each academic year from 2018 to
present; disaggregated by gender). Please include all selection criteria. *
In order to best understand the request and organize the information accordingly,
explain the purpose of your request and the intended audience. Please include how
the data or research findings will inform your program goals, planning and/or influence
the decision making for your department/program (e.g., grant proposal for evaluators,
program evaluation to improve practices, presentation at department meeting or campus
event, etc.). *
Request Format: *
Please Select One
Contact List (i.e., Excel file with requested contact information)
Data File (i.e., Excel file with requested columns of data)
Data Tables (i.e., pivot table)
Presentation (i.e., PowerPoint)
Report (i.e., PDF)
How often do you anticipate requesting this data?* This is a one-time request Repeating (e.g., annually, every semester, etc.) Other Other:
Compliance and Acknowledgement of Understanding
By checking this box, I acknowledge that the data I am requesting from the IERPG Division
may be denied, approved, cancelled, or prolonged.
Yes, I acknowledge *
Data provided by IERPG must be used for Cerritos College purposes. Personal use
of data are prohibited. The data that may be provided is to be used only for the purposes
stated on the request form and approved by IERPG. Data provided may not be used for
any other purposes or redistributed without prior written approval from the IERPG
IERPG does not provide any raw data files to protect confidentiality and privacy,
and to adhere to FERPA guidelines . Individuals/departments requesting data are expected to take measures to safeguard
data. This includes securely storing data and safely disposing data. If provided data
and/or a report by IERPG, do you agree that the data you are requesting will be:
used for college purposes only,
securely stored/safely disposed, and
guarded against unauthorized alteration or inappropriate usage in accordance with
college policies, and federal and state laws
Yes, I acknowledge *
Supplemental Documents: If you have supporting documents for your request (grant report requirements, unit
planning documents, student list, etc.) please send an email to with the attached documents.
If your supplemental documents include identifying student information, FERPA regulations
require files be password protected anytime such information is shared via email.
Passwords should be emailed separately from the files. While emailing FERPA-protected
data is permissible under the law, the Department of Education has ruled that an institution
will be held responsible for a violation if any unauthorized individual sees the protected
data via your electronic transmission.
Yes, I acknowledge *
Our timeframe for responding to data requests can vary depending on workload within
our office. We strive to provide requestors a received email with a status of your
request within 5 business days of receipt.
* Required Fields
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