Information Technology Standards Committee
Desktop computers and the campus information technology infrastructure have become essential tools for faculty, staff, and students at Cerritos College. As a result of the continuing growth of desktop computing and the demand for support services, there has been a significant impact on resources. To improve efficiency and focus our central support efforts, we have implemented the following standards. We strongly believe this will help contribute to a responsive, dependable, and supportable computing environment.
Cerritos College hardware and software standards have been established under the guidance of the Information Technology Standards Committee. The information technology department will also work with any individual areas if the established standards are an inappropriate fit. Please contact Patrick O'Donnell x2171 or Javier Banuelos x2167 for customized assistance. The most common upgrade recommendations include additional memory, faster CPU's, larger hard drives, and/or larger monitors which are valuable for some specific types of applications.
Current Standards
Computer Standards
Macintosh (we support any Macintosh)
Printers/Scanners/Wireless/Document Cameras
Data Network Cabling Requirements/Standards
Smart Classrooms
Phone VoIP
Copy Machines
Digital Signage
Committee Purpose:
- Assist the college in developing and/or maintaining the Technology Master Plan
- Recommends policies and procedures governing the implementation and use of college technology
- Recommends standards for hardware and peripherals that are compatible with our software standards
- Reviews and updates software standards
- Make recommendations to departments/divisions for computer equipment and peripherals
- Monitors trends and practices on issues within the committee's scope and communicates them to the college
Committee Goals:
1. Recommends policies and procedures governing the implementation and use of college
technology (Goal E)
2. Recommends standards for hardware and peripherals that are compatible with our
software standards. (Goal E)
3. Assist the college in developing and/or maintaining the Technology Master Plan
(Goal A & E)
4. Work with IERPG to conduct Campus Technology Survey. (Goal E)
5. Implement the IT Master Plan. (Goal A & E)
6. Make recommendations to departments/divisions for computer equipment and peripherals.
(Goal A & E)
7. Monitors trends and practices on issues within the committee's scope and communicates
them to the College. (Goal A & E)
Committee Meeting Date:
- Sept 13, 2024 9 am
- Oct 11, 2024 9 am
- Nov 8, 2024 9 am
- Dec 13, 2024 9 am
- Jan 10, 2025 9 am
- Feb 14, 2025 9 am
- March 14, 2025 9am
- April 11, 2025 9am
- May 9, 2025 9am
Committee Membership:
Quorum must be at least 7 people on a committee of 14
Patrick O'Donnell
Javier Banuelos
Lui Amador
Sasha Leonardo
Aemiro Beyene
Michelle Stieber
Andrew Maz
James Byun
Shannon Estrada
Erik Duane
Michele Kingston
Mayra Radillo
Joseph Cervantes
Daysi Recinos
Information Technology
Information Technology
7/1/24 - 6/30/277/1/22 - 6/30/25
9/14/18 - 6/30/21
9/14/18 - 6/30/21
9/14/18 - 6/30/21
10/25/24 - 6/30/27
2/10/21 - 6-30/24
8/19/17 - 6/30/20
7/1/19 - 6/30/22
7/1/19 - 6/30/22
8/1/22 - 7/30/25 Fall
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