FAQ - How User Email to Receive your One-Time Passcode

How to enroll a personal email address to receiving one-time passcodes


Enrolling a personal email address to receive one-time passcodes

  1. Log in to https://cerritos.onbio-key.com 
  2. In the top right corner click on your name and select "Edit Profile"
  3. Click on "Registered Email Address"
  4. Click on "Add my email," enter your email address in the prompt, and click Continue.

    Registered Email Address user interface

  5. Enter your One Time Passcode and click Continue. The One Time Passcode may take a few minutes to arrive. Be patient.

    Email enrollment user interface

  6. You will get a popup. Click "Refresh the account management page" to refresh your configuration.

    Email enrollment successful message

Mobile phone is the default for employees and students, unless they customize their default setting.