Getting Started
Welcome to Cerritos College! We are excited to be a part of your academic journey.
Completing these steps will put you on a path to success here at Cerritos College
and beyond!
Step 1: Apply to Cerritos College
Complete an application for admissions online at
Step 2: Submit an AB 540 / AB 2000 / SB 68 Exemption Form
You must submit the AB 540 / AB 2000 / SB 68 Form to Admissions & Records, to determine if you are eligible for AB 540 / AB 2000 / SB 68. Are you AB 540 / AB 2000 / SB 68? Check Today!
Step 3: Apply for Financial Aid
Apply for the California Dream Act Application at You can also submit the California College Promise Grant (Fee Waiver) to the Financial Aid Office.
Note: EOPS may be available for those who qualify.
Step 4: Meet with an UndocuCounselor
Meet with an undocu-friendly Counselor to assist you with educational planning and goal setting. You should meet with a counselor every semester to meet your educational goals. For an appointment call 562-860-2451 extension 2231 or visit the counseling website.
Step 5: Enroll
After receiving your enrollment appointment, you may enroll for your classes online in your MyCerritos account under the Student Center.
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