Technical and Occupational Programs (TOP) Committee

The TOP (Technical and Occupational Programs) Committee was established as the local coordinating body for the district to enhance the quality of the college's Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs. This campus-wide committee aims to support CTE offerings from a holistic perspective, promoting excellence and collaboration while providing valuable input for Perkins and Strong Workforce activities. The committee's work includes issuing an annual RFP for both the Perkins and the Strong Workforce grants, which seeks funding for projects that significantly enhance program quality and student success, focusing on key areas such as core indicators and strategies for improvement doing “more and better”.

To ensure ongoing evaluation and enhancement of CTE programs funded by Perkins, the district employs a comprehensive review process that encompasses various data sources, including core indicators and biennial program reports. Additionally, there are 43 local advisory committees consisting of industry representatives and faculty who meet bi-annually to assess course offerings and ensure programs remain relevant. These committees provide critical insights into industry trends, preparing students with the competencies required in the workforce.

When introducing new programs of study, the district emphasizes alignment with regional workforce demands, utilizing labor market information and input from local advisory committees. Proposed programs must undergo a rigorous approval process involving the regional consortium at LARC (more information can be found on New CTE Programs ), and final approval from the Chancellor’s office. The Cerritos CCD Board of Trustees oversees the curriculum approval, with faculty responsible for developing high-quality offerings that integrate core academics with technical content, while also supporting diverse student needs through targeted initiatives and mentorship.

**A minimum of one member from each program should attend - all department chairs and deans are officially invited**