English Part-time Faculty
The English part-time faculty office is located in the Liberal Arts building.
Jawad Ali
e-mail: jali
Lauren Allen
e-mail: lallen
Tamar Altebarmakian
e-mail: taltebarmakian
Tommy Amano-Tompkins
e-mail: tamanotompkins
Michael Arambula
e-mail: marambula
Brian Asis
e-mail: basis
Bethany Avalos
e-mail: bavalos
Nicholas Bielik
e-mail: nbielik
Lesley Blake
e-mail: lblake
Brenda Bran
e-mail: bbran
Michelle Buscher-Cepeda
e-mail: mbuscher
Danielle Carney
e-mail: dcarney
Sara Cristin
e-mail: scristin
Judith Crozier
e-mail: jcrozier
Anjanette Crum
e-mail: acrum
Rob DeFrance
e-mail: rdefrance
Letitia Deon
e-mail: ldeon
Robert Dongell
e-mail: rdongell
John Garcia
e-mail: jbgarcia
Nicholas Gil
e-mail: ngil
Christine Granillo
e-mail: cgranillo
Ryan Hitch
e-mail: rhitch
Olivia Hulett
e-mail: ohulett
Katrina Jalloh
e-mail: kjalloh
Ben Kessworth
e-mail: bkessworth
Kim Kropf
e-mail: kkropf
Catherine Lamas
e-mail: clamas
Lindsey Lefebvre
e-mail: llefebvre
Corey Leis
e-mail: cleis
Lindsay Ludvigsen
e-mail: lludvigsen
Chimene Mata
e-mail: cmata
Veronica Miranda
e-mail: vmiranda
Anna Morrison
e-mail: amorrison
Marquis Nave
e-mail: mnave
Mark Nishimura
e-mail: mnishimura
Mireya Palencia
e-mail: mpalencia
Claire Pelonis
e-mail: cpelonis
Mallory Reeves
e-mail: mreeves
Amanda Reyes
e-mail: areyes
Andrew Robles
e-mail: arobles
Christy Russell
e-mail: crussell
Amy Sandoval
e-mail: asandoval
Sean Smith
e-mail: ssmith
Scott Stanfield
e-mail: sstanfield
John Stavast
e-mail: jstavast
Kristin Tamayo
e-mail: ktamayo
Nancy Torres-Guimaraes
e-mail: ntorresguimaraes
Alina Vanciu
e-mail: avanciu
Burlee Vang
e-mail: bvang
Christine Walker
e-mail: ccwalker
Wendy Walsh
e-mail: wwalsh
Webster Watnik
e-mail: wwatnik
Emma Whitson
e-mail: ewhitson
Jeffrey Whynaught
e-mail: jwhynaught
Victor Zamora
e-mail: vzamora
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