Transfer Success Stories - December 2021

Livier Alexandra Mora
Transfer School: UC Los Angeles
Transfer Major: Neuroscience
What term/year did you transfer? Fall 2016
Why did you choose Cerritos College?
Initially, the location convenience. However, it was the quality of education, particularly the natural sciences, the SHP, and scholarship opportunities that made a world of a difference for me.
What kinds of activities and/or programs did you participate in at Cerritos College?
SHP, Biomedical Science Club, CCM, Phi Theta Kappa, Biology Honor's Seminars (w/ Dr. Tydell) and I worked as a lab assistant for Dr. Stieber. Bridges to Baccalaureate (CSULB), Research Poster Day, Strategic Planning Retreat (as a student at Cerritos), NCUR & ABRCMS (research conferences), Volunteer for health fairs & blood draws on campus.
Words of wisdom for future transfer students:
"Apply for as many scholarships as you can! The JKCF (Jack Kent Cooke Foundation) transfer scholarship I received when I transferred from Cerritos is still covering dental school ($150, 000) to be exact. Have discipline now in your studies and build good relationships with your professors in Cerritos, it is much harder to find great mentors in a large university setting. Above all, enjoy the journey and reach out for help early on when there is something you don't understand or need assistance with."
Career and future goals:
I am currently in my first year of dental school back at UCLA, living out my dream of mentoring other students, and extremely proud to be a Falcon and JKCF ambassador. Another student from Cerritos received the UT Scholarship this year and I am certain there will be more in the future!!
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