CalWORKs Counseling
Students are responsible for meeting with a CalWORKs Counselor every semester to review and/or update their Educational Plan.
Why Have an Educational Plan?
- Progress towards academic goals
- Select/Explore possible majors: (i.e. Student Success Center, Career Center, Counseling appointment, speak to professors.)
- Transfer or Earn an A.A. sooner
- Selecting appropriate classes all the way through
- Developing and following a plan allows you to complete goals sooner
- Avoid problems with Financial Aid
- Students must make academic progress within a specific number of units/semesters
- Consult Financial Aid for details
- Avoid Academic Probation and/or Progress Probation
- GPA < 2.0 = Academic Probation
- Students with more than 50% W’s, I’s, NP’s are subject to Progress Probation
How to Find Your Educational Plan Online?
- Log into your MyCerritos Account
- Click on “View My Academics”
- Click on “View Ed Plan”
- View your information
Please note: If any information displayed is incorrect, please make an appointment to meet with your CalWORKs counselor to correct the information on your Ed Plan.
If you DO NOT have an Ed Plan, please make an appointment with a CalWORKs counselor to create an Educational Plan. All students are required to have an up-to-date Educational Plan every semester.
If you are a new college student or getting ready to complete your degree and/or transfer
to a university, you will have questions about your career choice. Deciding if you
chose the right career is a very difficult question because it depends upon many factors.
However, examining your career choice can give you valuable information. Knowing whether
or not you will be successful in a career is more difficult to determine, however,
there are things that you can do to prepare for “success”.
Here are some examples of soft skills employers’ value:
- Learning what tasks you do better than other tasks
- Learning how to get along with a variety of personality types
- Managing your time in order to get to work and to do your work
- How you learn new tasks
- Learning to accept being managed by a manager
- How to promote yourself in order to take on new responsibilities
CalWORKs Career Counselor may be able to assist with:
- Resume writing and building
- Creating a cover letter
- Researching career trends
- Career Planning and questions
- Interviewing tips and techniques
In our efforts to reduce paper, copies will no longer automatically provided to students, unless otherwise requested in writing via the Student Appeal Form.
- To request paperwork copy, students must complete and submit the Student Appeal Form
and select the "Other" option.
- When requesting that CalWORKs Staff email assigned county worker paperwork, students must complete and submit the Student Appeal Form and select the "Other" option, and also list case worker name and list of forms to be emailed.
COUN 101A Orientation to College 0.5 Units
This course is designed to introduce first-time college students to services offered
at Cerritos College; the history and mission of the system of higher education in
California; policies and procedures that affect students at Cerritos College; and
educational planning, including major and general education requirements and course
sequencing. As part of the course, students may tour the Cerritos College campus,
acquainting themselves with the location and function of various offices and service
providers. Each student will produce a short term educational plan specific to his
or her educational goal. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only.
COUN 101B Educational Planning 0.5 units
This course is designed to broaden continuing students' understanding of the history and mission of the system of higher education in California, with particular emphasis on the role of the community college; policies and procedures that affect students at Cerritos College; and long-term educational planning including basic transfer requirements for the California State University and the University of California systems. Each student will produce a long-term educational plan specific to his or her educational goal. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only.
For more CalWORKs course information email CalWORKs Counselor, Nellie Hernandez-Garcia.Students have seven (7) days from the day they enroll to pay tuition fees. If you are unable to pay fees, students are entitled to a 45 day deferment. This should allow for extra time to pay fees or request monies from GAIN service worker.
- CalWORKs students may obtain a 30-day extension on student fees (CCSA, Health, Lab
Fees, etc.) by completing a Student Appeal Form.
- Complete and submit form via email to
In order for your graduation experience to be successful please follow these simple steps:
- Make an appointment with a CalWORKs Counselor to make sure you have the required units.
- Check the petition deadlines on page 5 of the class schedule.
- Go to Admissions & Records Forms
A.Print out the correct petition form:
- Petition for Certificate of Achievement
- Petition for Associates in Arts Degree
- Petition for Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
B.Complete form
- Incomplete forms will delay the process.
- Incomplete forms will delay the process.
C.Turn it in to Admissions & Records BEFORE deadline
- Late petitions will not be accepted.
- Late petitions will not be accepted.
4. Inform your CalWORKs counselor that you have petitioned for graduation.
5. Purchase Cap and Gown
- Students without cap and gown will NOT be admitted to the in-person ceremony.
- Cap and gowns get reimbursed by the county, schedule a material request.
6. Make sure to come early, well groomed, and with cap and gown to ceremony.
7. Enjoy yourself, you’ve made it!
In order to transfer smoothly to a university there a few simple steps:
- Schedule an appointment to talk to your CalWORKs counselor to ensure you have the required units to transfer.
- Visit or research different campuses and BE AWARE of their application deadlines.
- To transfer to a California State University (CSU) campus.
- To transfer to a University of California (UC) campus.
- Visit University of California
- For private campuses, visit the campus website for more information.
To discuss CalWORKs counseling services or schedule an appointment, please call (562) 860-2451, ext. 2593 or email .
You can also schedule your own appointment:
To schedule an appointment, go to your Student Portal,
select the “Navigate” tile, and click “Schedule An Appointment.”
For help, review the Step-by-Step Instructions.
Ready to book an appointment click
on the Navigate Appointment Center
Running Late to your appointment?
You will be asked to reschedule your appointment if you are:
- 15 minutes late for a 30 minute appointment.
- 30 minutes late for a 1 hour appointment.
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