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Form Type and Description
LA County
OC County
Attending Multiple Schools (GN6390): Form generated by county GAIN Service Worker for students attending 2 or more colleges/universities at the same time.    X  
Continuing Student Intake: Internal form required every semester along with County Approved Eligibility documentation (Verification of Benefits Form or Notice of Action) to maintain current contact information and keep students up to date with important changes or deadlines.
Employment Verification (Work-Study): Form generated by county GAIN Service Worker to request verification of work-study participation.
Intake (GN6006)- Service Provider Referral: Must be signed and include GN6013 & GN6014 Vocational Assessment.
  • Only needs to be completed once (unless told otherwise by your GAIN Case Worker)
  • Must be completed by a CalWORKs Counselor (may not be dropped off).
To fill out you MUST:
  1. Be a Cerritos College student with a current student ID number.
  2. Be enrolled in at least 1 credit/non-credit course.
  3. Make a 1-hour CalWORKs counseling appointment.
Monthly Attendance Report (GN 6365): Form is generated by GAIN Case Worker and must be completed and submitted every month. Due dates and deadlines are listed on form or provided by GAIN Case Worker.
  • Form has a 3-Day Turn Around period. Meaning that the form will be emailed to your GAIN Case Worker within 72 business hours.
  • Form must be completed and signed.
  • Please fill out the hours of class time you attended each day. Time spent in between classes DO NOT count as class time.
  • Please DO NOT fill out the contact information. This is for the CalWORKs office use ONLY.
  • Students signature must be at the bottom of the page.
  • If taking Online classes, make sure to separate Online classes hours and attach the class schedule or course catalog class description with the hours required per week.
  • To request copies, please complete a Student Appeal (listed below).
  • These forms ARE REQUIRED to be submitted on a monthly bases on the 10th of every month. 
  • Please email the completed and signed form to the CalWORKs email address to be processed and submitted to your caseworker. 
New Student Intake: Internal form utilized to verify and obtain student information for successful in-take process. 
Notice of Action: Form generated by GAIN Service Office which notifies students of changes related to benefits.
Progress Report (GN 6070): Form generated and mailed to student by GAIN Service Worker.
  • These forms used to be required to be completed by a counselor and submitted to the county. HOWEVER, this has changed. 
  • These forms are NO LONGER required and do not need to be submitted to the county. 
  • Please disregard them, when you receive them UNLESS your county worker specifically needs them from you due to an audit. 
Student Appeal: Internal form used for deferments, work-study verification letters or extension, and requesting copies or requesting to resubmit documents to county workers.
Verification of Welfare-To-Work Participation Hours (STI-20A): Form generated and mailed to student by GAIN Service Worker. Previously known as the Training Verification or Child Care Form.
  • Form must be completed at least once every semester. Due dates and deadlines are provided by GAIN Case Worker.
  • Must be completed by a CalWORKs Counselor (may not be dropped off).
  • Requires a 30-minute CalWORKs counseling appointment.
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Verification of Benefits: County form that verifies CalWORKs eligibility.
  • Los Angeles County form that verifies CalWORKs eligibility.
    • New Benefits Cal Platform
    • Orange County form that verifies CalWORKs eligibility
      • Verification of Receipt of CalWORKs
        • Generated by Orange County case worker after requested by students.
    • Cannot Generate a Form? Is your case confidential?
  X X
Verification of Receipt of CalWORKs: Generated by county case worker after requested by students.
Welfare-To-Work Attendance/Progress Report (41-06): Form generated and mailed to student by county service worker. 
  • These forms used to be required to be completed by a counselor and submitted to the county. HOWEVER, this has changed.
  • These forms are NO LONGER required and do not need to be submitted to the county.
  • Please disregard them, when you receive them UNLESS your county worker specifically needs them from you due to an audit. 
Welfare-To-Work Referral For Education/Training: Form generated and mailed to student by county service worker. 
  • Only needs to be completed once (unless told otherwise by your GAIN Case Worker).
  • Must be completed by a CalWORKs Counselor (may not be dropped off).
To fill out you MUST:
  1. Be a Cerritos College student with a current student ID number.
  2. Be enrolled in at least 1 credit/non-credit course.
  3. Make a 1-hour Intake CalWORKs counseling appointment.
  4. Make a 30-minute CalWORKs counseling appointment.
Work-In Progress (WIP): Internal form used to check student current course progress and must be completed every semester. Form is available for pick-up, via our website, and also available for download via Canvas.

Once form has been completed by instructors, students must sign it and can drop it off in the CalWORKs office (no appointment needed), upload a copy via Canvas, or email it to

If taking online classes:
  • Email instructors requesting current course grade and once a response is received, print, and attach it to this form.
  • If instructor has up to date grades on Canvas, print out Canvas grade and attach it to this form.
  • For instructors with questions/concerns regarding this form, please refer them to EAP Program Facilitator, Blanca Gamez at (562) 860-2451, Ext. 2377 or via email to
For students with courses where grade is below a “C”, a CalWORKs Counseling appointment is required to discuss options and support services/interventions.