New Students

All student appointments are via in-person or zoom.

To be eligible for CalWORKs, a student must:

  • Be receiving the adult AND child portion of Cash-Aid
  • Have an assigned social worker
    • LA County: GAIN Service Worker 
    • Orange County:  County Service Worker 
  • Be enrolled in at least one class (Credit/Non-Credit Course)
  1. Complete an Admission Application, a California College Promise Grant (Fee Waiver), and a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)                                                 
  2. Take the Self-Report Tool (SRT) or Make an appointment to meet with a CalWORKs Counselor with your Official High School Transcripts
  3. Enroll in at least one (1) class. Credit or Non-Credit
  4. Make a one (1) hour In-Take Appointment with a CalWORKs Counselor (make sure to bring with you all county paperwork)
  5. Attend a CalWORKs New Student Success Orientation (Early Alert Program Orientation)
  • County Referral (if applicable):
    • Los Angeles County:
      • GN6006
      • County Vocational  Assessment (if applicable)
    • Orange County:
      • Welfare to Work Referral
  • Proof of Cash-Aid 
    • Verification of Benefits
  • All transcripts from other colleges/universities (if applicable)
  • A completed New Student Intake Form
  • Any additional County Paperwork that needs to be completed (i.e. Childcare/Training Verification Form)

The CalWORKs program has established an Early Alert Program (EAP) to guide students through their educational process. The goal is to help students obtain a better understanding of the requirements and resources that Cerritos College offers in order to obtain a Certificate of Achievement, Associate of Arts/Science degree, or transfer to achieve a higher education.

As part of the CalWORKs and Early Alert Program (EAP), students are required to attend a one-on-one New Student Success Orientation to maintain early enrollment where staff will go over on/off campus resources and college/county requirements.

Since COVID we have had a few departmental transitions and county updates, for that reason we have updated our New Student CalWORKs Orientation to include a "Virtual" or "Online" component which allows you to learn more about our amazing program as well as your rights and benefits on your own terms and timeline. (see attached presentation - that includes link for gas card, link is here as well: for your reference)

All students who complete the virtual, in-person, or online orientation will be eligible for a CalWORKs gas card! The only thing we have to have on file is your NEW GN form (for new students)

Welcome to the CalWORKs program!

As part of your new student intake process you are required to attend 3 additional sessions with us AFTER your new student intake appointment.  

  • Educational Plan with a counselor
  • New Student Orientation with myself or online
  • Material Request/Reimbursement (optional)