CalWORKs Frequently Asked Questions
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The California Community Colleges CalWORKs Program is a state funded program that assists current welfare recipients in achieving long-term self-sufficiency through the attainment of higher education.
At Cerritos College, the CalWORKs Program focuses on providing CalWORKs students with special support services in order to assist with educational and career planning, as well as, insuring compliance with the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) welfare-to-work requirements. We are here for you every step of the way. Our highly-skilled staff will help you in every way possible toward meeting your career and educational goals.
The Cerritos College CalWORKs program offers the following services:
- Ancillary Supplies
- Assistance with completion of county required forms
- Cap and Gown for graduating students
- Computer Lab
- County Advocacy
- Counseling services (academic and career)
- Early Alert Program (EAP)
- New Student Orientations
- Pre-Employment Preparation (PEP) Workshops for work-study students
- Priority Registration
- Processing of Education Materials (books and supplies) request for reimbursements
or advances.
- Referrals to on and off-campus services and resources
- Transportation Assistance
- University Tours
- Work-study opportunities for eligible students
The CalWORKs office will accept the following recently dated forms as verification
of cash aid:
- Cerritos College CalWORKs In-house: Agency Certification
- GN6005
- Gn6006 (GN6013-14)
- Notice of Action
- Verification of Benefits
- Welfare-To-Work plan you can also call us at (562) 860-2451, ext. 2593 to obtain more information.
- While you are in an approved SIP, or
- While you are in education, training or any other activity as part of your welfare-to-work plan, or
- While finishing the quarter or semester in a SIP which cannot be approved, or
- If you need it as "post-employment" services.
Generally this means a bus pass. You can get payment for car mileage if
- No bus service is available, or
- The commute takes longer than one hour each way.
Each county decides what is satisfactory progress. The county's policy must be in writing. Ask for a hearing if it isn't. Generally, satisfactory progress means you are in good standing and making progress toward your degree or certificate.
Students who have completed at least twelve (12) semester units as shown by the official academic record shall be placed on academic probation if the students have earned a grade point average below 2.0 in all units undertaken at Cerritos College.
Students who have enrolled in a total of at least (12) semester units as shown by
the official academic record shall be placed on progress probation when the percentage
of all units at Cerritos College in which the students have enrolled and for which
entries of "W", "I", and "NC", "NP" are recorded reaches or exceeds 50 percent.
Excused withdrawal (EW) shall not be counted in progress probation.
Probation is entered on the student's permanent records and transcripts of record.
Students placed on academic or progress probation will be notified through the MyCerritos Portal, please check the Message Center.
Students are subject to academic dismissal when their GPA is less than 2.0 in 12 units or more for two consecutive semesters on academic probation. Students subject to academic dismissal shall be placed on continued probation when their latest semester's GPA is 2.0 or better.
Students who have been placed on progress probation shall be subject to dismissal if the percentage of units in which the students have been enrolled and for which entries of "W," "I," or "NP" are recorded in at least two (2) consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds 50 percent. Students subject to progress dismissal shall be placed on continued probation when for their latest semester no "W", "I", or "NP" entries are recorded
Excused withdrawal (EW) shall not be counted in progress dismissal calculations.
You may change your major online by completing the Major Change Form provided by Admissions and Records. But we highly recommend that you schedule a counseling appointment with a CalWORKs counselor to ensure proper completion.
If you are failing a class, then we highly recommend that you schedule a counseling appointment with CalWORKs counselor before you drop a class.
If you are failing or want to add a class, then we highly recommend that you schedule a counseling appointment with CalWORKs counselor to make sure you are taking the correct class based on your Student Educational plan and your WTW plan.
Yes and also contact your new county to initiate your new WTW plan.
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