Work-Study Program
The Cerritos College CalWORKs Work-Study (CWS) Program provides CalWORKs students with work opportunities in order to develop and/or strengthen workplace skills while completing their educational goals. With the help of our dedicated on-campus employers, students learn how to enter and re-enter the workforce with the confidence that is needed to achieve career satisfaction and economic self-sufficiency. The CWS Program is a time-limited program and all students hired are considered short-term (temporary) hourly employees.
- Hours worked count as activity hours
- Income earned does not affect Cash-Aid
- Flexible work schedule and can work up to 20 hours per week
- Build professional relationships
- Acquire workplace transferable skills
- Attend Pre-Employment Preparation (PEP) Workshops
- Students must be receiving the adult portion of cash-aid and participating in the Counties Welfare-to-Work Program
- Students must be enrolled and in good standing with the college
- Student must have a Comprehensive Educational Plan (CSEP)
- Students must be in good standing with Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Must have at least one year or more remaining in their program of study
- Student must submit proof of cash-aid for every semester (Verification of Benefits)
- Students must be enrolled and in good standing with the college
- Student must have a Comprehensive Educational Plan (CSEP)
- Students must be in good standing with Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Student must meet with a CalWORKs Counselors and the CWS Program Coordinator every semester
- Student must attend Pre-Employment Preparation (PEP) Workshops
- Must have at least one year or more remaining in their program of study
The Cerritos College CalWORKs Work-Study (CWS) Program provides CalWORKs students with work opportunities in order to develop and/or strengthen workplace skills while completing their educational goals. With the help of our dedicated on-campus employers, students learn how to enter and re-enter the workforce with the confidence that is needed to achieve career satisfaction and economic self-sufficiency. The CWS Program is a limited time program and all students hired are considered short-term temporary (STH) hourly employees.
- Subsidized employment-CalWORKs pays 75% of salary and wages
- Student can work up to 20 hours per week
- CalWORKs Program conducts hiring process
- Students attend monthly Pre-Employment Preparation (PEP) Workshops
- Opportunity to make a difference in a student life by providing training and mentoring
If your department would like to hire CalWORKs Work-Study (CWS) Program students,
please post open job opportunities for your department via Jobspeaker. Note that prior approval from department dean/manger is required before posting
openings via Jobspeaker.
Please refer to Jobspeaker quick start guide for creating an account and posting a job.
For further information on Jobspeaker, please contact Lizette Gonzalez, Student Employment Specialist at or by calling (562)860-2451 ext. 2395.
For more information about the CalWORKS Work-Study Program please contact CalWORKs at (562) 860-2451 Ext. 2593 or via email at
For more employment opportunities, students can now register for JobSpeaker or visit Career Services, Student Employment Resources. For further information please contact Student Employment Resources Center at (562) 860-2451, Ext. 2395 or e-mail
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