Advanced Placement Military Policy
Challenge / Advanced Placement Policy into the Nursing Program for Military Trained Healthcare Personnel
The Cerritos College Nursing Program is committed to awarding students credit for relevant military education and experience toward the requirements for licensure as Registered Nurses. (this is in alignment with CCR Sections 1423.1, 1423.2 and amended CCR Sections 1418, 1424, 1426, and 1430 that implement Senate Bill 466)
Individuals who present with relevant military education and experience, equal to but not limited to, Basic Medical Technician Corpsman (Navy HM or Air Force BMTCP), Army Health Care Specialist (68W Army Medic) or Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician (IMDT 4N0X1C), are eligible for advanced placement in the nursing program. All nursing courses can be challenged; however, individuals must have prior relevant education and experience that meet the specific requirements of the course. Prior education, military education, and military experience will all be evaluated on an individual basis in order to grant the individual full or partial course credit. The program will follow the following procedure with each individual seeking this opportunity.
Interested candidates must request an appointment with a Health Occupations Counselor at least eight weeks prior to any application period to discuss eligibility requirements for the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Documentation of education, training, and experience should accompany the applicant to this meeting. Following the evaluation of the candidate’s education and experience, and in determining their eligibility for admission to the Nursing Program, the candidate will meet with the Director of the Nursing program to determine courses eligible for full or partial credit and to discuss the challenge policy and procedure for each course. Challenge procedures may include: 1) lecture challenge examinations, 2) dosage calculation exam(s), 3) and skills competency exam(s).
- Applicants must meet all admission criteria/requirements of the Associate Degree Nursing
Program (ADN), including:
- completion of designated prerequisites for the Nursing Program
- completion of the Testing of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) pre-admission examination
(62% or higher) designated advanced placement prerequisite/transition courses
- Applicants applying for transfer credit must submit the following materials verifying
education and experience:
- transcripts from appropriate education program(s), demonstrating satisfactory completion of coursework and clinical experience
- documentation of experience
- Applicants must have an honorable discharge or be in active current honorable service
- Acceptance of Military Challenge students into the Associate Degree Nursing Program
is contingent upon successful completion of the following:
- Achievement of 75% or above on the Challenge Exam(s) for nursing courses,
- 75% or higher in designated advanced placement prerequisites,
- “Satisfactory” (with all critical elements maintained) of skills competency performance examination (CPE), and
- 80% or higher on the medication dosage calculation examination(s)
- Military Challenge students admitted to the Associate Degree Nursing Program after academic failure at a prior nursing school will not be eligible for re-entry after an academic failure from the Cerritos ADN Program.
Once Challenge confirmation is made, the following materials will be made available to the applicant prior to the examinations and skills testing:
- Course Outlines, Syllabus, Bibliography and Textbook lists
- Examples of style and format of examination
- List of critical elements for all nursing skills
- Dosage calculation review sheet and rules for rounding
Written and skills competency examinations for advanced placement or challenge applicants must be completed eight weeks prior to admission to the program, unless waived by the Director of the Nursing Program. Advanced Placement will be granted if the applicant meets minimum requirements equivalent to those required of students enrolled in the actual course.
Advance Placement students are admitted on a space availability basis; however, military personnel and veterans are given preference.
Adopted 1/2017, revised April 2021
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