Technical Standards/Essential Functions
The following listing has been prepared to assist you in understanding the technical standards of the Nursing program in order to affiliate in the clinical agencies and ultimately practice the profession.
The technical standards as stated here are not conditions of admission to a program of study. Rather, they reflect performance abilities that are necessary for a student to successfully complete the requirements of the specified Health Occupations program. The purpose of this document is to notify prospective Nursing students of these technical standards to enable them to make an informed decision regarding enrollment in the Nursing program at Cerritos College.
The delivery of safe, effective nursing care requires that students be able to perform functions related to the technical standards outlined here. The inability of a student to perform these functions may result in the student being unable to meet course objectives and to progress in the Nursing program. Additionally, if a student is unable to perform these required competencies, the student may pose a risk of harm to the patient(s) for whom care is provided.
All applicants meeting the appropriate academic requirements shall be considered equally for admission to Cerritos College or any academic program regardless of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or physical or mental disability.
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