Mission Statement
The Cerritos College Nursing Program Mission is to prepare nurses to meet the needs of diverse populations in an ever changing healthcare environment.
Nursing is defined as a science, discipline, and health care practice that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients having health problems within the domain of nursing. The goals of nursing practice focus on health promotion, illness prevention, rehabilitation, and supporting the resources of the person who is ill or threatened with illness in adapting to changes within the environment.
In addition to implementing the philosophy of the college, the purpose of the nursing program is to provide the community with Registered Nurses who are capable of functioning in a variety of health care settings. To accomplish this, the Roy Adaptation Model has been selected as a the primary conceptual framework. Within this framework, nurses identify their patients as biopsychosocial beings in constant interaction with the environment, In periods of health, individuals have both innate and learned behavioral mechanisms which enable them to cope with their complex internal and external environments. In times of stress, the patient's coping mechanisms may be disrupted and the individual is defined as ill. The patient's health status is defined on a continuum from wellness to illness. Nursing practice focuses on adaptation of the patient in four major modes: physiological, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. The program prepares students to understand individuals as total beings and to recognize and respect a diversity of spiritual and cultural and ethnic values.
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