- Architecture
- Automotive Collision Repair
- Automotive Mechanical Repair
- Cosmetology
- Engineering Design Technology
- Engineering Technology
- Machine Tool Technology
- New Product Development
- Plastics and Composites
- Welding
- Woodworking Manufacturing
Adult Education
Adult Education provides students with quality programs that blend education with workplace skills for a well-rounded experience. Our programs assist in helping students gain the necessary skills to move into mainstream college programs and/or advance in the workforce.

Community Education
Community Education offers hundreds of not-for-credit workshops, classes and programs for community members of all ages. We offer career training courses/programs and classes for fun, including woodworking, belly dancing, motorcycle lessons, and more. Our award-winning summer kids' camp has over 200 child/teen classes.

Educational Partnerships & Programs
The Office of Educational Partnerships & Programs is a department that oversees several key and nationally awarded programs at Cerritos College including articulation agreements, Cerritos Complete Promise Program, dual enrollment, First Year Experience (FYE) & Learning Communities, President Scholars Academy, and Teacher TRAC.
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