How to Provide Proof of Non-Filing
Were you selected for verification and need to provide proof of non-filing to the Financial Aid Office?
Follow these Instructions
The first option is to request it online with the IRS. This feature is usually available to those who have credit established. If you are not able to request it online, please see alternative option below:
If you have attempted and are unable to get a Verification of Non-Filing Letter from
the IRS, you may provide a signed statement certifying that you did not file taxes
for the given year that we are requesting. You must also include the following in
your statement.
- State that you attempted to obtain the verification or confirmation of non-filing
from the IRS or other tax authority and was unable to obtain it, and
- Has not filed and is not required to file an income tax return for the tax year being
verified; and
- Listed the sources and amounts from each source of any income earned from work by
the individual for the tax year being verified; and
- A copy of IRS Form W-2, or an equivalent document, for each source of employment income
received by the individual for the tax year being verified.
- General Student Appeal
- Once you complete your statement you can upload it to Student Forms
- General Student Appeal
- A copy of IRS Form W-2, or an equivalent document, for each source of employment income
received by the individual for the tax year being verified.
For more information contact the Financial Aid Office at or call us at (562) 860 -2451 ext 2397.
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