Using Rosters+ Grade Template

Instructions for Using Rosters+ Grade Template


Using the Rosters+ Download Roster XML option you will be able to:

  • Export your class rosters to an excel spreadsheet
  • Download your attendance sheet
  • Calculate grades by using the Innovation Center’s Rosters+ Grade Template
  • Print a final grade sheet to post Final Grades


In order to keep all Excel spreadsheets organized make the following adjustments through “My Computer”. Open your Z:/ drive and create a general  folder  called “Excel”. Inside the “Excel” folder, create a sub folder and give it a descriptive name such as: Rosters+_Spreadsheets.  Inside that folder create others and name them according to the semester.


dScreen shot capture of the my computer window showing a file system

You may now close all windows and begin saving the Innovation Center templates into the folders.

Hint: You may save the templates as masters and every time a new student roster is pasted on, save it under a different name so that your master always remains blank and can be reused each semester instead of downloading from the web site.



Open your web browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and visit the following web site:

Click on the "Rosters+ Excel Template" link of the Innovation Center’s web page. Read the instructions and click on the Rosters + Grade Template link.

At the “File Download” window, click the “Save” button and save the file on the folders created previously or any other destination of your choice.

Screen shot capture of the file download prompt box

Once download and saving is complete, click “Open”.

Screen shot capture of the download complete prompt box

Your Excel template will look like the one below. Minimize your window by clicking the minus on the upper right-hand corner and launch Rosters+.

Screen shot capture of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


Open your web browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator) and visit the following web site: from anywhere you have access to the Internet.


You may go to the Cerritos College web site: and click on the Faculty & Staff button on the left hand side of the screen. Then, click on the second link titled: Rosters+ Login.

dScreen shot capture of the title, menu, standard and address toolbars for Internet Explorer.

Sign on to Rosters+ using your E-mail address and your Network password.

dScreen shot capture of the rosters login web page with a cerritos college 50 years



Upon entering Rosters + the first panel will look like the panel below. Your name and a list of your current courses will be displayed on the screen. You will only be able to access your own classes.

Screen shot capture of the list of classes page in rosters

Select the class for which you need a roster by clicking the appropriate class and pressing the “Get Roster” button.

The class roster will display all students in your class by name and student number.

Screen shot capture of the class roster web page



Downloading as an XML Excel File: Click on the “Download Roster” tab. Click “Download as an XML Attendance Template”.

Screen shot capture of the Rosters+ download roster web page

Click the open button to display the class spreadsheet.

Screen shot capture of the file download prompt box



Highlight the information you want to use. In the example below only student numbers and student names are selected

Screen shot capture of a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

Right click inside the highlighted area and select “Copy” from the pull down menu.

Screen shot capture of the shortcut menu in Microsoft Excel worksheet. The word is highlighted



Go back to your previously minimized Excel template and right click where it says “paste here” and select “Paste” from the pull down menu. Your student information will be displayed like the example below.

Screen shot capture of the shortcut menu in Excel.Screen shot capture of pasted data in an Excel spreadsheet.

Click on the 1st tab on the bottom left hand side of the spreadsheet. The tab is labeled “CCP Grade Report.” All student information will be displayed.

Screen shot capture of an Excel spreadsheet with formatted data and cells.

Make sure to logout Rosters+ as soon as you are done working on your class rosters.  To logout click on the red logout button located on the upper right hand side of your Rosters+ screen.

Hint: Use the Task Bar to switch between applications.



After pasting all information and switching to the 1st tab, click “File” and from the drop down menu select “Save As…”. Rename the file to ensure that the original template remains blank so that it could be reused to download other classes or future semesters. Don’t forget to save it in the folders created earlier on your Z:/ drive

Screen shot capture of the file menu expanded in microsoft excel.Screen shot capture of the save as dialog box

NOTE: Follow the same procedures to download and save the Rosters+ Grade Template.

Hint: Remember that the Z:/ drive cannot be accessed from home. So, if you are planning to work from home or a remote location; make sure to make a back-up copy of the files on a floppy or zip disk to take with you.



After copying, pasting, renaming and saving your class spreadsheet, you are now ready to edit or personalize the Excel file. After pasting all class information under the “Student Details” tab, make sure to switch to the “CCP Grade Report” when using the grading template.
Fill out class information and make changes as desired.

Below is an example of a completed grading spreadsheet. You may change assignment titles and total points accordingly. The formula will update itself as you modify the assigned points.

Screen shot capture of an Excel spreadsheet with formatted data and cells.

Download Rosters + Grade Template

For technical questions call the IT Help Desk at (562) 860-2451 x2166.  For training questions call the Innovation Center at (562) 860-2451 x2799.