
For more information, please visit the site on Accessibility.

For questions, please contact Monique Valencia

Welcome to teaching HyFlex! HyFlex classrooms allow instructors to create equitable access to learning through technology. Whether your students choose to attend class in-person, remotely (synchronously), or online (asynchronously), HyFlex classrooms allow your students to obtain the same interactions and learning experiences.

This guide will help you learn everything you need to know about HyFlex classrooms. Please note each classroom may vary slightly depending on the room configuration.

For questions, please contact the CTX office

 More information coming soon. 

Why Turnitin! Check out this video on Cerritos College and Turnitin.com

How to Add Turnitin to Canvas

  1. Login to Canvas and select your course. 
  2. In the course navigation, click Assignments.
  3. Create a New Assignment.
  4. Under Submission Type, click External Tool.
  5. Click Find. A popup box will appear. Scroll down to choose Turnitin LTI. Then, click Select.
  6. Finish adding your settings, then click Save & Publish. 

For questions, please contact Monique Valencia, or visit Turnitin Guides

To request for a Turnitin account, please contact tnfacultyhelp@cerritos.edu

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