Program Changes
Program changes (class adds and drops) subsequent to the initial enrollment may be made via MyCerritos. When enrollment fees are paid, no program changes can be made unless fees are entered as paid in the system. Program changes that involve level changes in skill and performance can be paid during the first week of the session.
Math and English Department Program Changes
The English department will allow students to make level adjustments during the first
week of day classes and during the first two weeks for extended day classes, at its
The Mathematics Department will not grant level changes after the first two weeks
of the semester.
Level Changes
Students may make level changes:
- In work experience classes during the first week, but only for a reduction in hours.
- With the consent of both instructors and with the approval of the division dean after the first week.
During spring and fall semesters, section changes cannot be made between terms or semesters. You may not drop an 18, 15 or first-nine week course by executing a section change. Students are required to officially drop these classes and pay the appropriate fees.
In summer, section changes cannot be made between terms or semesters. You will be unable to drop the first six, 8-week course by executing a section change. Students are required to officially drop the first 6-week and 8-week class and pay the appropriate fees.
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