Falcon Leadership Institute (FLI)


The FLI aims to help Cerritos College students develop and enhance their leadership skills.


  • Students who complete the FLI will be able to describe how their co-curricular involvement contributed to meeting their educational and/or career goals.
  • Students who complete the FLI program will be able to develop personal leadership development plans that address skills, abilities, and growth areas.


  • Help students discover and examine the leadership experiences they already have.
  • Enable students to consider exploring the skills they want to develop.


The Falcon Leadership Institute is based on Kouzes and Posner’s (2017) Leadership Challenge. This leadership theory highlights the differences between good and great leaders and also shows emerging leaders how to bridge the gap between getting things done and making things happen. The Leadership Challenge (2017) theory explains leadership as a skill that needs to be learned and a relationship that needs to be nurtured to reach its fullest potential. The Leadership Challenge (2017) consists of five exemplary practices of leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart. Each practice will be highlighted via an engaging workshop experience.


FLI participants have one academic year to complete the five FLI workshops that are hosted both in-person and virtually. The schedule of FLI sessions will be posted in FalConnect. 


To receive the FLI Certificate of Completion, participants must:

  • Have attended all 5 sessions.
  • Completed all reflections for each leadership practice (available on FalConnect).  
  • Complete the final reflection with a passing score (available on FalConnect). 


The FLI will have five core workshops covering each of the five exemplary practices of leadership:

The most important personal quality people look for and admire in a leader is personal credibility. Credibility is the foundation of leadership. If people don’t believe in the messenger, they won’t believe the message. Titles may be granted, but leadership is earned. Leaders will learn how to Model the Way by finding their voice and setting an example.

Leaders are driven by their clear image of possibility and what their organization could become. Leaders Inspire a Shared Vision by envisioning the future and enlisting others in a common vision. Leaders breathe life into visions—through vivid language and an expressive style. Their own enthusiasm and excitement are contagious and spread from the leader to constituents. Leaders will learn their belief in and enthusiasm for the vision are the sparks that ignite the flame of inspiration.

Challenge is the opportunity for greatness. Maintaining the status quo breeds mediocrity. Leaders seek and accept challenging opportunities to test their abilities and look for innovative ways to improve the organization. People do their best when there is a chance to change the way things are. Leaders will learn how to motivate others to exceed their limits.

Leaders know they cannot do it alone. It takes partners to get extraordinary things done in an organization. Leaders create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect. They build teams that feel like a family and make people feel like owners, not like hired hands. Leaders will learn empowering others is essentially the power of turning followers into leaders themselves.

Leaders have high expectations both of themselves and of their constituents. They provide people with clear direction, substantial encouragement, personal attention, and meaningful feedback. Leaders will learn how to make people feel like winners, and winning people like to continue raising the stakes!

If disability accommodations (e.g. communications access, alternate formats) are needed to participate fully in this event, please submit your request to AccommodationsRequest@Cerritos.edu within seven school days in advance of the event.


To learn more about the Falcon Leadership Institute or how to join, please contact Chris Delacruz at cdelacruz@cerritos.edu