Student Resources


The semester Student Activities (CCSA) fee is your membership in the Associated Students of Cerritos College (ASCC) and supports a wide variety of campus programs and services, such as:

  • Metro GoPass TAP Card (Bus Pass)
  • Cerritos College student ID card 
  • Student clubs & organization activities and travel opportunities
  • Student Activities and ASCC sponsored events
  • Extended library hours and tutoring services during finals weeks
  • Student Service department events, such as EOPS/CARE/LINC, International Students, Umoja, and others
  • Academic department activities, such as the Forensics Team, Fine Arts (theater, art gallery, music program, etc.), pinning ceremonies for the Health Occupations Division, and others
  • Athletic team equipment, supplies, and travel costs
  • Commencement Ceremony (graduation)
  • Funding for campus safety improvements

For a full list of activities the fee supports, please view the current ASCC Budget.

Students participating in ASCC events, activities, student government (activities and elections), and student organizations are required to have current paid status of the Student Activities fee in order to participate in activities. 

For information on submitting a Student Activities Fee Waiver, please see this website for the form and process.

Those who waive the fee are not eligible to receive benefits associated with activities the fee supports. 

Revenue from the collection of this fee may be used by the ASCC to support or oppose political measures. The Student Activities Fee can be covered by your Pell Grant. Please contact Financial Aid to have your Student Activities fee covered by your Pell Grant. The student activities fee is subject to a student activities fee waiver.

Student Identification (ID) cards  are available for currently enrolled students by email or in-person at Admissions and Records.  To request your Cerritos College student ID card please visit the Cerritos College Student ID Card web page

ASCC Sticker: To obtain an ASCC Sticker, please submit a request

For additional information on the ID card and the ASCC sticker, please review the FAQs on the ID webpage.

The Falcon's Nest provides centralized support services for students facing basic need insecurities.

Student Laptop Agreement

Acuerdo De Computadora Portátil ParaEstudiantes.

If you have difficulty completing the form or have any questions, please contact the library at:
     Phone: (562) 860-2451 Ext.2424 or 2423

It's not a trial! Students and teachers are eligible for Office 365 for Education, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. All you need to get started is to enter a valid school email address. 

How to download Office 365 for students

Forgot username or password

Microsoft Troubleshooting

Please keep in mind, that this service is offered by Microsoft, and Cerritos College staff are not able to access your account or reset your password. 

Please contact Microsoft for all issues related to your Office 365 account.