
All forms must be submitted via FalConnect

NOTE about RFCs:
An RFC is used when we are issuing a contract to anyone that is providing any type of in-person/virtual services for the college such as honorarium speakers, food vendors, event vendors, etc. (an RFC is not required for Culinary Arts). The RFC should be completed by the requestor at least 3-4 weeks BEFORE services are rendered (the actual service date).  The requestor must email the RFC to the Purchasing Department (Ramona Mellgoza is the Buyer for ASCC, ) with a cc to Student Life (Nikki Jones, ). Purchasing will then issue the contract, and once they receive the signed contract back from the vendor and the District signs, Purchasing will then forward the completed contract to the requestor. At that time the requestor can submit the ASCC requisition request form and attach the completed contract from Purchasing as back-up.

Please follow these steps below.
Any skipped steps will likely
delay the approval process. 

STEP ONE: Advisor complete District “Conference & Travel Request Form”

  • Part III: Estimated Expenses  
    • Include the cost of travel for all students and advisors traveling.  Under “Describe Other” write that the form includes advisors and students.  For example “Costs include 1 advisor and 5 students”.  
  • Part IV: Approval and Authorization
    • Include all signatures – attendee, manager, VP, and President (if applicable).
    • Recommend using AdobeSign to complete this process. View this page on how to request signatures in AdobeSign.  


On this Student Travel Excel sheet you will provide the names, ID #’s, and any related travel details for hotel (roommates) or airfare (date of birth and gender) for all students and advisors traveling.  

STEP THREE: Submit the “ASCC Sponsored Student Group Travel Form” in FalconNECT. 

In this form you will: 

  • Provide travel/conference/trip details
  • Attach Advisor’s completed (with all signatures) “Conference & Travel Request Form”
  • Attach completed “ASCC Student Travel – TRAVELER INFO & ELIGIBILITY FORM”
    • This must be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet, do not convert to PDF, JPG, etc.  

STEP FOUR: Student Activities Approval 

  1. Admin Clerk III reviews Traveler Info & Eligibility Form.   
    1. If any students are found ineligible a note will be sent to the Advisor via FalConnect.  The Advisor has 5 business days to make any additions to the sheet, after 5 business days the roster locks.    
    2. Once clear, Admin Clerk III approves Eligibility section of form.  
  2. Student Activities Coordinator messages Advisor to alert that eligibility is cleared and Travel Liability Forms are required for all students.  
    1. Student Activities Coordinator will email Travel Liability Forms via AdobeSign to all students approved to travel, and cc Advisor. 
  3. Once all student liability forms are submitted, Student Activities Coordinator will issue final approval for travel. 


  1. Club is now clear to submit Requisition Request Forms to arrange travel (conference registration, flights, hotel, etc.).  Separate RRF forms are needed for each vendor/payee. 

For questions related to ASCC funded
traveling timelines & documentation,

please contact
Chris Delacruz at


 District Travel Policies:

You have ten (10) business days from the first day of the start of the current semester/session to submit a signed Student Activities Fee Waiver Request form. Waivers will not be processed after the ten days. Fee waivers will not be processed for past semesters. 

Before you decide to waive the fee, check out the benefits

Form: Student Activities Fee Waiver Request

Questions about this process? Please email Maria Isai at