Counseling Courses
The Counseling Department offers several Counseling classes to help students achieve success in school and in life. These courses, taught by Counseling Faculty, include:
This course is designed to help students understand the process of making informed choices pertaining to majors and careers. Students will learn about their values, interests, personality, skills, and personal experiences through career assessments and career development theories. They will connect this self-knowledge to occupational possibilities and college majors using career exploration resources to research options that may be a good fit. Students also learn tools, such as informational interviewing and goal-setting, that complement the decision-making process and career development. Transfer Credit: CSU
This course is designed to introduce first-time college students to services offered at Cerritos College; the history and mission of the system of higher education in California; policies and procedures that affect students at Cerritos College; and educational planning, including major and general education requirements and course sequencing. As part of the course, students may tour the Cerritos College campus, acquainting themselves with the location and function of various offices and service providers. Each student will produce a short term educational plan specific to his or her educational goal. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only. Transfer Credit: CSU
This course is designed to broaden students' understanding of the history and mission of the system of higher education in California, with particular emphasis on the role of the community college; policies and procedures that affect students at Cerritos College; the importance of educational planning. Students will gain college success skills, explore academic programs, and utilize student services intended to enhance students' overall educational and personal goals. This course allows students the opportunity to engage in career exploration in order to aid in the identification of one's major. Students will take part in developing a Comprehensive Student Education Plan specific to the student's educational goal. This course is offered on a pass/no pass basis only.
This course provides an introduction to the transfer process for those students who
plan to transfer to a college or university to complete a baccalaureate degree. Topics
include the value of pursuing higher education, selection of a transfer institution,
transfer requirements, admission procedures, and requirements for majors. This course
is offered on a pass/no pass basis only.
Transfer Credit: CSU
This course is designed for students who wish to develop a deeper understanding and
appreciation of the theories, principles, and techniques of leadership in a college
or community-based organization. It includes the study and practical application of
group and individual leadership techniques. It is designed to improve awareness of
group dynamics, listening skills, personal values, decision making, problem solving,
and organizational development. It emphasizes critical analysis of leaders in the
news, history, film, and/ or literature. (Formerly CG 150)
Transfer Credit: CSU
This course will provide students with knowledge, information and skills to better
understand themselves as students, people, and members of the working world. It will
assist them to establish life, career, educational, and personal goals and to develop
plans and strategies to successfully meet those goals. (Formerly CG 200)
Transfer Credit: CSU
Through the examination and historical analysis of individual and social structures,
students will be able to identify, understand, and interact with a growing and diverse
society in a culturally competent manner. This course will examine the complexities
of interpersonal relationships among individuals and cultures including but not limited
to identity, values, beliefs, communication, relationships, and community formation.
The relationship between individual behavior and culture will be explored to help
further the student’s adaptation and engagement within academic and societal contexts.
Through research and examination of cultural diversity, students will work toward
acknowledging, understanding, and interacting in a way that promotes dialogue, inclusion,
and respect for cultural differences.
Transfer Credit: CSU/UC
A course to provide opportunity for individual research and field projects under the
direction of a faculty member in a given department. With the guidance of the faculty
member, students prepare and carry out a written learning agreement describing the
purposes and outcomes of the project. Students should expect to meet with the supervising
faculty member one to two hours each week for conferences. Credit is based upon the
number of hours in the semester expected to complete the project (1 unit for 54 hours).
For selected disciplines, UC transfer credit may be possible after admission to a
UC campus, pending review for appropriate course materials by UC staff. See a counselor
for an explanation. (Formerly CG 298)
Transfer Credit: CSU
A course to provide opportunity for individual research and field projects under the
direction of a faculty member in a given department. With the guidance of the faculty
member, students prepare and carry out a written learning agreement describing the
purposes and outcomes of the project. Student should expect to meet with the supervising
faculty member one to two hours each week for conferences. Credit is based upon the
number of hours in the semester expected to complete the project (2 units for 108
hours). For selected disciplines, UC transfer credit may be possible after admission
to a UC campus, pending review of appropriate course materials by UC staff. See a
counselor for an explanation. (Formerly CG 299)
Transfer Credit: CSU
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