Academic/Progress Notice FAQ

Student Success Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Answer: There are two types of probation, Academic and Progress notice.  

Academic Notice occurs when a student has completed at least 12 semester units and the student’s GPA falls below a 2.0 in all units taken at Cerritos College.  

Progress Notice occurs when a student has attempted at least 12 units and the percentage of all units attempted reaches or exceeds 50 percent of all grades at Cerritos College. Grades used to calculate attempted units include “W”, “I”, “NP”, or “NC”. Excused Withdrawal (EW) shall not be counted in progress notice. 

Academic/Progress Notice is entered on the student’s permanent records and transcripts of record. 

Answer: If you are on academic notice, your unit limitation is based upon your cumulative grade point average. If you are on progress notice, the unit limitation is based on the percentage of units completed (completion rate). See the below chart. 

Academic Probation

GPA Unit Limitation
0-1.25 4
1.26-1.50 7
1.51-1.75 10
1.76-2.00 13

Progress Probation

Completion Rate Unit Limitation
1-10% 4
10.1-20% 7
20.01-30% 10
30.01-50% 13

Students who are on academic or progress notice for summer, will be limited to 4.0 units.  

Answer: Your ‘hold’ will remain visible as a reminder of your unit limit, but you will be able to enroll. This ‘hold’ will be removed just prior to the start of the term, however you unit limit will still apply.  

Answer: You can log in to your “MyCerritos” account and look at the “holds and to do’s” box. Students must adhere to the unit limitation and only enroll into the units allowed for the upcoming semester. The unit limitation hold will not block your enrollment; however, it will not allow students to exceed that unit limitation. Please see a counselor to inquire further. 

Answer: When returning after taking a “break” in your schooling, you are classified as a re-admit student. As a readmitted student, you will return with the same “academic status” that you had when you left. Your unofficial transcript will have a notation of your academic standing (if you are on probation).  

Answer: This depends on the type of probation status noted on your transcript.  
If you are on academic notice, you will need to bring your overall or cumulative grade point average to a 2.0 or better. Students in good academic standing have a “C” (2.0) average or better. You can raise your GPA by earning “A’s” and “B’s” in your new classes and by repeating the same class where a “D”, “FW,” or “F” grade was earned. Limiting the number of units you attempt or reducing your work hours can be helpful because it allows you more time to study for classes. You should also consider using campus resources such as tutoring. For more resources and success strategies, log on to iFalcon . 

If you are on progress notice, returning to good standing involves successfully completing more classes with grades of A,B,C,D, F, FW, CR or P rather than with accumulating more “W’s,” “I’s,” “NC’s” and “NP’s.” Overall, once you have more units completed than units of “W’s,” “I’s,” and “NP’s,” you will clear progress probation. It is a good idea to limit the number of units you attempt and focus on finishing each class with a satisfactory grade. Try to anticipate any changes that may occur to your schedule that might impact your class attendance and plan your classes accordingly. Be aware of the deadlines to drop classes without a “W.”  

Lastly, your Academic/Progress Notice status is hopefully temporary, so be patient and persistent. Plan for and practice success strategies. Use your resources (time, energy, effort) and campus resources (tutors, counselors, financial aid, and Success Center) to help you to return to good standing and complete of your academic goals.  

Answer: If your grades and completed units do not clear your Academic/Progress Notice status, you may either continue on notice and be subject to losing your enrollment appointment and California College Promise Grant or you may face dismissal from Cerritos College.  

If you are on academic notice and your GPA increases as a result of your grades but your overall is still less than 2.0, you will continue your probationary status. If your overall GPA declines you may be dismissed (after spring grades are posted). If you are on progress probation and have more units of “W,” “I,” or “NP” than you do of completed units, you may face dismissal. If you complete more units of grades other than “W”, “I”, or “NP” units for the semester, but overall you still have more grades of “W”, “I”, or “NP” than you do of other grades, you will be continued on progress notice.  

Answer: Yes, counselors are available for you to discuss: better understand your academic standing; learn about possible ramifications of your notice status; and discuss your next term’s classes and unit limit. Unit limits may only be discussed for exceptional and compelling reasons with a counselor.

Answer: If you are dismissed due to your academic or progress status and have extenuating circumstances that led to your dismissal you may complete a petition for reinstatement indicating your circumstances.  

Answer: You will need to request approval for a third time by filing an Academic Records and Standards Committee Repetition Petition. You must include an explanation of why you did not complete the class with a “C” or better in your previous attempts and what you will do differently in order to successfully complete the class, if approved for an additional time. The petition should be filed in the semester prior to the first day of enrollment for the term you want to repeat the class. The earlier the better!   

Answer: (Just to name a few)  

Counseling Services
– Counseling assistance is available in a multitude of formats including: online, virtual drop in, appointments and in counseling classes.

Success Center -
Located in the lower level of the Library building, the Success Center is your campus resource for tutoring and general information. The tutoring staff are dedicated to assisting students who need help with their math and writing, and many other subjects as well. They also offer Study Skills Workshops, technology training, and general assistance regarding a wide range of Cerritos College policies and procedures.  

– Learn more about the habits you can use as a student to be success at Cerritos College at . See online videos, view articles on student success and change any negative habits into positive one.  

Career Center
- Assist students to choose a major, make career decisions, develop their educational plans to meet their career goals, and prepare for employment. The Career Center contains extensive information about occupations, majors and colleges, available through computer based career information programs, printed resources, and Internet access. Career Counselors are also available.    

AED 42.05-
(supervised tutoring)- This course is intended to give students in need of special supplemental instruction in a basic skills subject area an opportunity to develop and improve their skills and/or knowledge of the subject. It is an open entry/open exit course. Students enrolled in the course are limited to thirty (30) hours per 

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